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Online Exhibition
Rolodex Propaganda (2023)

An exhibition exploring propaganda, corruption, deep fakes, and deception. From simulations of David Beckham to investigations of Morrison shelters; the artists' research covers a broad scope of issues relating to conspiracy, mimicry and identity. The show is an online+offline 'embassy' of The Wrong Biennale existing as a mobile-only exhibition on Polygon Palm. The online PP show displays an interactive virtual rolodex of artist images, scrollable by viewers, that link to their artist/work pages.
The exhibition will have a physical manifestation at KARST @karstgallery , Plymouth, UK in April 2024. The physical show includes a giant rolodex visible and scannable by viewers who can access the AR and online artifacts. Connected with The Wrong Biennale.
Online. Start date: 01/11/2023. Duration: 122 days.
Primary Images or Documentation and
Secondary Link.
Work(s) Included:
Turbogolf Proposal,
Golf Camping.
Curated by Tom Milnes. Artists: Alan Warburton (@alwarburton), Clareese Hill (@clareesehill), Clement Valla (@clmntvalla), Helene Kazan, Katie Zazenski (@kathryn.zazenski), Marc Blazel (@blazeldude), Max Colson (@maxcolson), Micheal O'Connell Mocksim, (@mocksim), Raphael Fabre (@erbafleahpar), Shane Sutherland (@shane_sutherland), Theo Ellison (@theo_ellison) and Tom Milnes (@tommilnes).
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